
Jaiswal, A., Jin, L., & Acheson, K. (2024). Evaluation of STEM program on student intercultural development: Do intercultural interventions work? Innovative Higher Education, 1-19.

Pang, G., Cox, R., and Acheson, K. (2023). Assessing transformative learning in international education: Critiques and new directions based on a systematic review of literature. New Directions in Adult and Continuing Education, 177, 75-89.

Wiley, J. L, Wiley, K. R., Intolubbe-Chmil, L., Bhuyan, D., & Acheson, K. (2021). A new, depth-based quantitative approach to assessing transformative learning. Journal of Transformative Education, 19(4), 400-420. 

Acheson, K., & Kelly, C. (2021). Understanding Student Values and Identity: Benchmarking Institutional Initiatives with the Beliefs, Events, and Values Inventory (BEVI). Internationalisation of Higher Education – Policy and Practice, Section B 2.14, 65-95.

An Applied Framework for Improving Intercultural Competence in the Workplace Using Assessments

K Acheson, S Schneider-Bean, J Wiley
No business without communication 1, 581-608

A New, Depth-Based Quantitative Approach to Assessing Transformative Learning

JL Wiley, KR Wiley, L Intolubbe-Chmil, D Bhuyan, K Acheson
Journal of Transformative Education,

Iseminger, S., Acheson, K., Kelly, C., & Morris, P.  (2020).

Acheson, K., & Schneider-Bean, S. (2019). Representing the Intercultural Development Continuum as a pendulum: Addressing the lived experiences of intercultural competence development and maintenance. European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management, 5(1), 42-61.

The effects of social identities on student learning outcome attainment. International Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 14(1), Article 12, 1-13.

“BRIDGE-ing Internationalization and Multicultural Education at Johnson & Wales University,” Higher Education Today, American Council on Education (August 3, 2016).

“The Role of School Design in Shaping Healthy Eating‐Related Attitudes, Practices, and Behaviors Among School Staff.” Frerichs, L., Brittin, J., Intolubbe‐Chmil, L., Trowbridge, M., Sorensen, D., & Huang, T. T. K. Journal of School Health, 86(1), 11-22. 2016.

“Children’s Discourse of Liked, Healthy, and Unhealthy Foods.” Frerichs, L., Intolubbe-Chmil, L., Brittin, J., Teitelbaum, K., Trowbridge, M., & Huang, T. T. K. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 116(8), 1323-1331. 2016.

“Visual Research on Student Perceptions of the School Health Environment.” Frerichs, L., Brittin, J., Intolubbe-Chmil, L., Teitelbaum, K., Sorensen, D., Trowbridge, M., & Huang, T. T. Children, Youth and Environments, 26(2), 83-109. 2016.

“‘Everyone Has Humanity in Them’: Multidimensional Teaching and Learning Through Philosophy-based Discussion.” Merritt, J.C. & Intolubbe-Chmil, L. Journal of Community Engagement and Higher Education, 6(2). Spring 2014

“Transformative Learning: Participant Perspectives on International Experiential Education.” Intolubbe-Chmil, L., Spreen, C.A. & Swap, R.J., Journal for Research in International Education, 11(2). August 2012

Operationalizing transformation of the self in high impact learning: Methodological considerations

K Acheson, J Dirkx, J Wiley, C Ullum, S Kapadia, D Bhuyan
The globally sustainable self. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Whitehead, D., Vandermaas-Peeler, M., Sutton, S., Price, M., Patch, K., & Acheson, K. (Eds.). (2023). Mentored undergraduate research in global contexts (MUR-GC): Integrated high Impact practices for student success. American Association of Colleges and Universities. 

Acheson, K. & Dirkx, J. (Eds.). (2021). Special issue: Assessing transformative learning. Journal of Transformative Education

Acheson, K., Jin, L., Stahl, A., & Yngve, K. (Eds.). (2021). Special issue: Assessment as pedagogy in education abroad. Frontiers: The interdisciplinary journal of education abroad, 33(1).